Education MFA Curriculum
Objectives and Outcomes
Curriculum for the MFA Program is constantly being assessed and modified so that it appropriately distributes key objectives and outcomes for students. The results the program is working toward is that students will be able to achieve the six objectives below; these outcomes are what advisors consider when reviewing final thesis projects:
1) Employ advanced competencies in a broad range of technical skills associated with the production of visual media including books, alternative imaging systems, and photography in all its myriad forms including photo-bookworks, installation, film, video, and digital media, to name a few.
2) Articulate the creative skills and decision-making strategies involved in the independent production of artworks and the motivations and cultural consequences underlying them.
3) Produce a sustained body of work requiring the technical and creative command of visual media including its preparation, sequencing, installation, and public presentation.
4) Use libraries, archives, and online data sources to research media and primary arts-related material to apply research creatively to their art, critical, and curatorial productions.
5) Investigate and draw conclusions about media and contemporary art issues and to write and communicate an intelligent and informed position on the nature of art and visual culture.
6) Employ professional skills and conduct in an arts organization or arts-related school or business.