Exhibitions Saint Piñero
November 15 - December 17, 2023 Project Space Studio
- Xaddy Addy nude in Pink Metal basement, photograph, February 2023. © Saint Piñero. Courtesy of the artist.
Project Space Residency
Open Studio: December 8, 6pm
Saint Piñero is a queer, Afro-indigenous Nuyorican photographer and curator. They were born and raised in Staten Island, New York and began pursuing film photography at twenty years old. Their work is a meditation on memory, the queer archive, and transience. They are the co-founder of Film Diary NYC, a film festival for personal documentary & home video. They curate an ongoing series of photo shows at Millennium Film Workshop, where they are a member of the programming board.
Every photo I take is a reflection of my fears, my admirations, and my inability to hold on to life for as long as I would like- which is forever. Documenting, or creating my queer archive, is a tool for survival. My photography is of queer people living their lives and taking up the space they deserve in the world. I photograph the chaos of a wig falling off, the bravery of trans youth finding themselves through performance, the strength I am given through an eyelash flying through the air in a room full of people at a drag show. I create this work hoping that it will exist long after we’re gone as a testament of our struggle and survival as marginalized people and to show the beauty of our community.
VSW Project Space Residencies are supported by the New York State Council on the Arts with the support of the New York State Legislature, Monroe County, and Joy of Giving Something. Photography artists participating in the program receive support from the Phillip and Edith Leonian Foundation.