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2021 / 2022 Project Space Artists-in-Residence

Phillip and Edith Leonian Foundation Grant and Jobs Announcement

Call for submissions of any media for the 2017 ImageOut exhibition

The 2015 US Supreme Court ruling that declared same-sex marriage legal provided same-gender loving individual’s access to one of the two dominant forms of kinship making (the other route being biological reproduction). However,this development does not signal LGBTQ people finally being able to access “family,” as LGBTQ people have had to and continue to create alternative models of family that exist outside of marriage and reproduction. With this in mind, ImageOut seeks submissions of art that explores:

• How contemporary LGBTQ people are accessing and navigating marriage
• Family building and child-rearing
• The cultural, social, and legal barriers to marriage and child-rearing that remain
• Historical and contemporary kinship practices that do not reflect dominant conceptions of family (e.g. the nuclear family)

In addition, ImageOut recognizes that abuse, neglect, estrangement, and expulsion cause many LGBTQ people discomfort around the concept of “family.” And so we invite work that does not just treat “family” as an inherent good, but as a concept that needs to be troubled, interrogated, and dismantled.

Exhibition: Visual Studies Workshop Gallery  September 1 – October 21, 2017
Submission deadline: July 15, 2017
Click for the full submission guidelines.