• Top: A photograph of a country road and farmhouse. Bottom: text that reads "I've Been Here Before."
    Still image from Internal Dialogue, excerpt from twin slide projection, found slides, typed phrases on transparency film, 2020-present. © Barbara Justice. Courtesy of the artist.
  • Project Space Residency

    July 10 – August 7, 2024

    Open Studio: Thursday August 1, 6-8pm

    Barbara Justice is a visual artist and art instructor. Her studio practice revolves around photographic arts. Her interest lies in examining ideas with the use of analogue technology such as film cameras, slide projectors, found slides, typewriters, and audio cassette recorders. Additionally, she weaves other mediums into her photo practice including book arts, printmaking, alternative process and historical techniques, and creative writing.

    Justice’s artworks are exhibited regionally, nationally, and globally. Barbara is from Southern New Mexico and far west Texas. She completed her MFA from University of Wisconsin-Madison and her BFA from the University of Texas at San Antonio.

    Fiction is the foundation of discarded photographs. It is the only thing we can assume by looking at clues within imagery regarding the story behind a photograph and why a picture was made. From my collection of thousands of found, anonymous photographic slides, I curate standard projector trays that display various scenes. I give them a new existence, a new place, by creating fictive written responses based on personal experience and narratives I’ve held in my memory over time.

    Considering the universal aspect of photographs the written mementos are tragic, humorous, heartfelt, memorable, banal, and personal. Justice’s artwork is meant to bridge the relationship viewers have with photographs through the act of looking, even though the imagery is not their own. Additionally, it is meant to give anonymous slide photos a new place which takes the slides out of anonymity and allows them a new purpose.


    VSW Project Space Residencies are supported by the New York State Council on the Arts with the support of the New York State Legislature, Monroe County, and Joy of Giving Something. Photography artists participating in the program receive support from the Phillip and Edith Leonian Foundation.

    Logos for Monroe County, New York State Council on the Arts, Farash Foundation, and Leonian Foundation