• Hosted and curated by local comedian Woody Battaglia, this experimental program intersperses a variety of short films from VSW’s 16mm collection with stand-up comedy performances that add up to more than the sum of their punchlines.

    “Let’s face it–Nuclear holocaust is inevitable.

    Let’s face it–Most of what we know is from the movies.

    Let’s face it–You’re going to need to laugh to survive.

    Woody Battaglia takes you through the apocalypse with stand-up performance from Brunchtown Comedy Collective and selected 16mm films on shelter, safety, and survival. This is the best chance you’ve got.” – Woody Battaglia

    Featuring performers:

    Ilhan Ali

    Chris Hasenauer

    Jane Ives

    Chris Thompson

    Tom Clifford

  • Brunchtown Comedy Collective
    Brunchtown Comedy Collective