6:30-8:30pm in-person at Asbury First United Methodist Church

1050 East Ave, Rochester, NY 14607

  • We welcome you to a VSW Salon for a book launch and community discussion celebrating the release of chapbooks 5 & 6 from the 2nd series of the In This Moment. VSW assistant curator Hernease Davis will moderate discussion with Dr. Ian Wilson, MD, founder, co-curator of WALL/THERAPY, essayist Erica Bryant, photographer Quajay Donnell and Reverend Myra Brown, Pastor Spiritus Christi Church, essayist Chris Thompson and photographer Jackie McGriff. 

    The ITM chapbook series is curated by Amanda Chestnut, coordinated by Jeanne Strazzabosco and printed by VSW Press. Chapbooks will be distributed for free at the event as well.

    VSW distributes 10,000 free copies of ITM chapbooks to Rochester Public Libraries, RCSD, charter, suburban, rural schools and local colleges and universities. Click here to support ITM.

    Register for this free event here. The event will take place at 6pm at Asbury First Methodist Church.

  • Left: Dr. Ian Wilson, MD, photographed by Quajay Donnell; Right: Reverend Myra Brown photographed by Jackie McGriff
    Left: Dr. Ian Wilson, MD, photographed by Quajay Donnell; Right: Reverend Myra Brown photographed by Jackie McGriff