In-person at Asbury First United Methodist Church

1050 East Avenue, Rochester, NY

6:30 – 8:30pm | Free but registration required

Also streaming live at

  • The purpose of the In This Moment: Revolution Reckoning Reparation chapbook series is to elevate and celebrate the revolutionary work of local Black leaders, writers and photographers. The project is curated by Amanda Chestnut and produced by Visual Studies Workshop.

    Tonight’s event will launch the second edition of the second series with the launch of chapbooks featuring Ian J. Wilson, MD, Founder, Co-curator of WALL\THERAPY, with an essay by Erica Bryant, and photographs by Quajay Donnell and Reverend Myra Brown, Pastor Spiritus Christi Church, with an essay by Chris Thompson, and photographs by Jackie McGriff.

    VSW Assistant Curator Hernease Davis will moderate a discussion with artists involved in the project.

    The chapbooks of Dr. Ian Wilson and Reverend Myra Brown will be distributed for free at the event.

    **ASL Interpretation will be provided at the event**

  • Ian J Wilson stands in front of a mural
    Ian J. Wilson, MD, Founder, Co-curator of WALLTHERAPY, photographed by Quajay Donnell
  • Rev. Myra Brown against a black background in low light
    Reverend Myra Brown, Pastor Spiritus Christi Church, photographed by Jackie McGriff