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  • Colette Fu. Axi Fire Festival from <em>We are Tiger Dragon People</em>
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    Duis aute irure dolor in reprehenderit in voluptate velit esse cillum dolore eu fugiat nulla pariatur. Excepteur sint occaecat cupidatat non proident, sunt in culpa qui officia deserunt mollit anim id est laborum.

  • June 20–21, M–T 9:30am–5:30pm

    Binding Digital Bookworks Scott McCarney

    Online publishing, print-on-demand services, plus a wide variety of desktop printers and digital copiers offer more opportunity than ever to produce one-off and small edition bookworks. This two day workshop will introduce participants to the tools and techniques of basic bookbinding geared towards finishing projects printed by digital means. Formatting, imposition and single-sheet printing will be discussed in the context of printing your own work. Pamphlet and coptic sewings will be introduced as strategies for binding books from scratch. Two case bindings will be learned for rebinding saddle-stitched and “perfect bound” print-on-demand books. Basic techniques for working with cloth and decorative papers will enhance possibilities for creating elegant and sturdy presentation bindings.

  • 2020 November 13-15, 18, and 21-22, online only

    Pop-Up Books with Colette Fu

    Pop-up books aren’t just for children! Pop-up structures can be used to make engaging works of art for any age, from greeting cards to animations to kinetic sculptures. Complex and engaging pop-up works are created from a combination of basic mechanisms enhanced by your art, playfulness and imagination. In this workshop, participants will learn the basic elements of pop-up paper engineering, including multi-level platforms and pull-tabs, as well as how to combine them to create more complex structures. Participants learn how to incorporate their own art into their structures effectively to create unique pop-up books, cards, and works of art. All levels of experience are welcome.

    This weekend workshop is online only in same-time virtual sessions November 13-15 and 20-21, 10am-12pm and 2-4pm with a mid-week check-in session on November 18, 6-9pm

  • June 6–10, M–F 9:30am–5:30pm

    Screen-Printing Essentials Dan Varenka

    Screen-printing resides in both industrial and fine art spheres and lends itself to graphics, typography, and photography. The relatively low cost makes it accessible to individuals for posters, prints, and books. This introductory workshop will cover the fundamentals of the screen-printing process: image preparation, coating and burning photosensitive screens, and printing on paper and fabric. Consideration will be given to printing for books, multicolor prints, and creating your own set-up at home.

  • 2021 June 7-July 10, Online Only

    Image and Text Sequence for Photo-Bookworks with Tate Shaw

    Paying attention to how you are binding images and texts together is critical to making a photo-bookwork. Binding, in the conceptual sense, is how the images and texts mentally form a connection to one another. This cognitive process works in tandem with sequence, which puts images and texts in a specific order to create a context for meaning to be inferred between them. The focus of this workshop will be the combination of images and texts to create juxtapositions and extended sequences. We will study a variety of image and text sequences along a spectrum from purely textual to purely visual sequences, as well as other conceptual structures in art forms like poetry, music, and moving images, to support the creation of image and text sequences of our own. Throughout the month, students will make several sequence booklets as well as begin to develop an extended project. Everyone will take away from the workshop multiple experiments with forms of image and text sequence in dummy layouts in InDesign that can be printed using on-demand, online printers.

    Many digital images from personal archives and/or found images as well as some texts to work with are required. You will need access to an internet connection and computer with CS Photoshop and InDesign software and ideally a flatbed scanner for the month. No previous InDesign knowledge is required; having some Photoshop experience is ideal but not necessary. Writings on sequence and image and text in bookworks will be provided.
